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Recent Invited Talks
- Insulitis and Residual Beta-cells in Type 1 Diabetes, Rachmiel Levine-Arthur Riggs Diabetes Research Symposium, Pasadena CA, Feb. 2018
- Transformational Technologies in Islet Biology session. Visible Pancreas Project: Islets in Health and Diabetes, American Diabetes Association annual meeting. June, 2018
- Endocrine and Exocrine Mass in Type 1 Diabetes, Rachmiel Levine-Arthur Riggs Diabetes Research Symposium, Pasadena CA, Apr. 2019
- Understanding endocrine and exocrine cell loss in Type 1 Diabetes, Imaging the Pancreas in Diabetes and Benign and Malignant exocrine pancreatic disease, NIDDK Jan. 13-14, 2020.
- Exocrine Pancreas in T1D, American Diabetes Association annual meeting, June, 2020 invited speaker and session chair
- Understanding endocrine and exocrine cell loss in Type 1 Diabetes, Imaging the Pancreas in Diabetes and Benign and Malignant exocrine pancreatic disease, NIDDK Jan. 13-14, 2020
- Understanding Endocrine and Exocrine Loss in T1D, Indiana University Diabetes Symposium, Aug. 5, 2021
- Clinical and Histopathological Correlates of Exocrine-Endocrine Communications, HIRN webinar, Oct. 21, 2021.
- Islet Sympathetic Innervation and T1D, American Diabetes Association annual meeting June, 2022
- Decreased Exocrine Mass in Type 1 Diabetes, NIDDK workshop, Integrated Physiology of Exocrine and Endocrine Compartments in Pancreatic Diseases, June, 2022,
- Pancreas Imaging in T1D, T1D Acute Pancreatitis Consortium Steering Committee, August, 2023.
Professional Experience
- 2007 – Professor, Department of Pathology, Immunology and Lab. Med., UF
- 2013 – 2020 Affiliate Faculty, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Engineering, UF
- 2006-2013 – Director, JDRF nPOD Organ Processing and Pathology Core, Department of Pathology, Immunology, and Lab. Med., UF
- 2007-2012 – Associate Director, Experimental Pathology, Department of Pathology, Immunology and Lab. Med., UF
- 2003-2007 – Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Immunology and Lab. Med., UF
- 2001-2003 – Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Immunology and Lab. Med., UF
- 1993-2001 – Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, UF
- 1990-1993 – Instructor, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, UF
- 1988-1990 – Postdoctoral Associate, Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, UF
- 1984-1987 – Graduate Teaching Assistant, College of Vet. Med. UF
- 1981-1984 – Resident Large Animal Surgery, College of Vet. Med. UF
- 1980-1981 – Intern Equine Surgery, College of Vet. Med. UC Davis
Honors and Awards
- Large Animal Resident of the Year, University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, 1983, 1984
- American College of Veterinary Surgeons, Diplomat, 1986
- Comparative Gastroenterology Society Graduate Student Award, 1987
- Charles F. Simpson Memorial Scholarship, 1988
- Florida Veterinary Medical Graduate Student Award, 1988
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Mentor Award, 2009
- JDRF nPOD Founding Investigator 2018
Review Boards and Ad Hoc Reviewer
- Editorial board: Laboratory Investigation, 2005-2011
- Ad hoc reviewer: JCI Insight, Nature Communications, Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Diabetologia, Scientific Reports, PLOS, PNAS, Gastroenterology, American Journal of Physiology, Laboratory Investigation, JOVE, Hepatology, British Journal of Cancer, Cancer Research, Biology of Reproduction, Journal Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Journal Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
- B.S., High Honors, Chemistry, University of Florida, 1976
- D.V.M., Honors, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, 1980
- Ph.D., Physiological Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Univ. of Florida, 1988